
tisdag 11 december 2012

If I were an inventor I would.......

If I were an inventor I would try to invent alot of things. Even though I probably would’ve failed miserably. The first device is something I really really really want. This may not be a problem for everyone. But for me this is a huge friggin problem. Now ya really wanna know what it is huh? It’ll maybe even save lives. It could’ve saved my grandmother :’(. It is some sort of spikes you’re supposed to put on your shoes so you won’t slip on the stupid ice. Maybe it’s already invented but i think it woulda been awesome. Another thing that really disturbs me is that everytime I go away from my computer my orange starts to play for me. It’s really annoying cause my orange really sucks so she’s destroying my stats. Yup, the orange is a female. I’m trying to solve it, but splitscreen don’t work on that stupid but awesome game. Sometimes I even feel like I wanna eat that orange. That’s horrible I know, i’ll try to never think that way again. I would invent an invention that would let you play splitscreen on that game. I would also invent controllers for Oranges. It’s hard for them to play right now. It’ll really help them. I love oranges and everyone should!

                                               THAT MADE NO SENSE   

måndag 10 december 2012

Berliner Ballen

Berliner ballen
Es ist ein doughnut.
Im die doughnut ist es often erdbeer oder Pflaumenmus.
Im Bayern oder Österreich habe man Marillenmarmelade im die doughnut.
Kann bedeuten  jemand ist dick.

tisdag 4 december 2012

Lena beskrivning

Lena wollen viel Aufmerksamkeit. Sie ist 16 jahre alt. Sie leben mit ihr mutter und broder. Ihr mutter leben einen turk. Der turk heisst Metin und hat zwei kinder. Sie ist nicht schön aus ihr neues familie. Sie hat kurz verschmelzen. Sie hat keine freundin.

söndag 2 december 2012